Web Development
- Web performance, code splitting strategies, and a React case study
- Destructuring Arrays and Objects in JavaScript
- Refactoring Setup: NextJS, TypeScript, Prettier, and Testing Library
- Mastering JavaScript: Revisiting Conditionals in JavaScript and TypeScript
- Mastering JavaScript Series
- Building an Interpreter: Parser - Part 1: Fundamental parts of AST and basic statements
- Building an Interpreter: REPL
- Building an Interpreter: Lexical Analysis - Part 3
- Rebuilding Mercari's Search: Home and Menu
- Rebuilding Mercari's Search: Setup NextJS with TypeScript, Prettier, and Jest
- Rebuilding Mercari's Search series
- Data Fetching in React with react-query
- Building an Interpreter: Lexical Analysis - Part 2
- Building an Interpreter: Lexical Analysis - Part 1
- Building an Interpreter series
- DX & Software Maintainability in Frontend Engineering
- Optimizing the Performance of a React Progressive Web App
- Performance: Prefetch Next Page Chunk
- Basic Recipes for React Testing Library
- A Mental Model to think in TypeScript
- UX Studies with React, TypeScript, and Testing Library
- Union Types with Objects
- TypeScript Interesting Types
- Constant feedback driven development with Nodemon
- Automating my blog posts publishing process
- TypeScript Learnings: Type System
- React Hooks, Context API, and Pokemons
- Fun with Dates
- Thinking in data contracts
- TypeScript Learnings: Object Destruturing
- TypeScript Learnings series
- Consistent State Management in React and Redux
- TDD, simple functions, and React components
- Closures, Currying, and Cool Abstractions
- Building an abstraction for React intl messages
- Understanding the basics of Ruby on Rails: SQL Databases and how they work
- Understanding the basics of Ruby on Rails: HTTP, MVC, and Routes
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